the day began with a young male juggler at our bus stop entertaining the small rowdy children.
i finally got an iced coffee mocha at a futuristic cafe in tomorrowland, and was back on my feet.
that afternoon we took a ride on a jungle safari with our tour guide alan.
the entire ride was one massive slew of puns and jokes.
also it was his birthday.
(happy birthday, alan!)
a visit to the tiki room.
in the show there was a rain dance with magical fake rain that trickled down the windows.
however, the magic was truly real...because as we walked out it began legit raining.
after running through the rain and visiting the replica of the swiss family robinson tree house, we visited the pirates of the caribbean ride.
the man showing us onto the ride said to board the ship and leave the farmer's daughter (me) behind as part of the plunder.
trying to be funny?
we walked away.

literally in the massive castle.
our host was fernando, an aging spanish man who was feeling rather hesitant about sharing the disney sparkle and magic.
what horrors have you witnessed, fernando?
at the castle we were visited by four princesses and had photos taken with them all.
they were visiting cinderella and thought they'd stop by to say hi.
how kind.
also while there we witnessed an engagement!
it was right behind our table and there was applause!
apparently the park closed early for a special halloween party that night.
of which we were not on the guest list.
but as we had already made reservations for the dinner which lasted past the curfew for non-partiers... we had to be escorted from the park.
and walk down the street with a man carrying a glowing sign.
the people were apparently awaiting a parade and may have thought we were part of it momentarily.
during the day i got 15+ compliments on my modcloth pie dress!
complimenters included aladdin, ariel, jasmine, cinderella, several crew members, and even other guests who stopped me on the street.
i felt like a princess.
be still my heart.
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